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Friday, September 9, 2022
This post is a collection of digital social innovations used in Taiwan. This is not a complete list of innovations. There are 7 innovations listed below alphabetically.
"Cofacts is an information checking platform operated through crowd collaboration and chatbot to have discrete messages of unknown credibility carefully reviewed and discussed through joint efforts of the public. Cofacts can respond to users' questions and requests 24/7 via chatbot." (Cofacts: About Cofacts)
"g0v is a grassroots social movement community dedicated to deepening the civic engagements and connections between the social arena and citizens. You can find like-minded partners in the g0v community, archive your ideas in a grassroots manner, and then release the results under an open-source license, letting people stand on your shoulders." (g0v: What is g0v?)
Humor before rumor
"...Audrey Tang, noted that Taiwan had installed 'meme engineering' teams in each government department to quickly respond to disinformation efforts and respond within 60 minutes with messages 'packaged in such a way that you can't help but want to share it'." (Taiwan's Disinformation Response, Jude Blanchette, Scott Livingston, Bonnie S. Glaser, Scott Kennedy, 2021)
"Polis is a real-time system for gathering, analyzing and understanding what large groups of people think in their own words, enabled by advanced statistics and machine learning." (Polis: Home)
Presidential Hackathon
"The Presidential Hackathon is an initiative launched in 2018 by the Taiwanese government, encouraging collaboration among data owners, data scientists and field experts to find solutions to common issues with the help of technology and innovative ideas." (Presidential Hackathon, International Track 2022)
"PTT Bulletin Board System is the largest terminal-based bulletin board system (BBS) based in Taiwan. It was founded by Yi-Chin Tu and other students from the National Taiwan University in 1995..." (Wikipedia: PTT Bulletin Board System, 6.14.22 UTC 16:47)
"vTaiwan is an online-offline consultation process which brings together government ministries, elected representatives, scholars, experts, business leaders, civil society organizations and citizens. The process helps lawmakers implements decisions with a greater degree of legitimacy. It has various touch points such as a website (, a combination of meetings and hackathons along with the consultation process." (vTaiwan project page)