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Friday, January 7, 2022

Collection of design quotes

This post is a collection of quotes about design. There are 22 quotes listed below alphabetically by last name.


Paola Antonelli:

"Designers stand between revolutions and everyday life. They're able to grasp momentous changes in technology, science and society and convert those changes into objects and ideas that people can understand." (


Naoto Fukasawa:

"The best designs are those that dissolve into behavior." (


Kenya Hara:

"The essence of design... lies in the process of discovering a problem shared by many people and trying to solve it." (


Thomas Heatherwick:

"At the root of everything I do is a fascination with ideas - what ideas are for, what jobs they do." (


Hugh Newell Jacobsen:

"Picasso said that no one has to explain a daffodil. Good design is understandable to virtually everybody. You never have to ask why." (


Raymond Loewy:

"The main goal is not to complicate the already difficult life of the consumer." (


Ellen Lupton:

"To say a grid is limiting is to say that language is limiting, or typography is limiting. It is up to us to use these media critically or passively." (


David McCandless:

"Data is the new soil, because for me, it feels like a fertile, creative medium. Over the years, online, we've laid down a huge amount of information and data..." (


David McCandless:

"Often I forget that design is really about removing things: optimizing the flow of information, the display, so there are the fewest elements possible, but still they preserve the essence of the subject." (


Peter Morville:

"Findability precedes usability. In the alphabet and on the web. You can't use what you can't find." (


Jakob Nielsen:

"Consistency is one of the most powerful usability principles: when things always behave the same, users don't have to worry about what will happen based on earlier experience." (Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design, 2011)


Donald A. Norman:

"Any time you see signs or labels added to a device, it is an indication of bad design: a simple lock should not require instructions." (Living with Complexity, 2010)


Donald A. Norman:

"When you have trouble with things - whether its figuring out whether to push or pull a door or the arbitrary vagaries of the modern computer and electronics industries - its not your fault. Don't blame yourself: blame the designer." (Design of Everyday Things, 2002)


John Pawson:

"Minimalism is not defined by what is not there, but by the rightness of what is and the richness with which this is experienced." (


Dieter Rams:

"Good design makes a product understandable." (


Paul Rand:

"Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex ability, manual skill and technical knowledge. Aesthetics and economics, technology and psychology are intrinsically related to the process." (


Paul Rand:

"Design is the method of putting form and content together." (Quoted in Learning PHP Design Patterns by William Sanders)


Stefan Sagmeister:

"To be a good designer, you would need to have deep and far reaching interests outside of the profession." (


Paul Scher:

"The goal of design is to raise the expectation of what design can be." (


Jared Spool:

"Good design, when its done well, becomes invisible. Its only when its done poorly that we notice it." (


Philippe Stark:

"Design is a tool to help the tribe." (


Richard Saul Wurman:

"The organization of information actually creates new information." (Speech at IA Summit in Phenix, Arizona, 2010)