Alex Peek blog

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Monday, August 22, 2022

Call for information bloggers

One of the primary goals for this blog is to find individuals who want to make blog posts according to the information blogging guidelines (IBG). I want to find people who are willing to convert their knowledge into the format of IBG and create new reference works. I'm optimistic that someday there can be thousands of websites that use IBG to create a decentralized network of compatible reference works.


The current version of IBG can be found at this link.


The goal of IBG is to minimize the extra noise on an information web page. Instead of having to scroll around on a web page and read through paragraphs, I believe that information is best displayed when its at the top of the page with as few distractions as possible. The idea is to create the most minimal and information dense web pages possible.


I would like to see all human knowledge converted into IBG. I'm curious to see what IBG would look like when applied to the highest levels of knowledge in topics such as mathematics and physics.


If two bloggers make a post on the same topic using IBG, both posts would exist just as two different web pages on the same topic can exist on the internet. I imagine that there would be curators who would create collections of posts from various blogs. The curator of one of these collections would select their preferred post on a specific topic if there were multiple posts on a topic.


The curators who create lists of IBG posts would be responsible for helping readers find posts and essentially create the network. An example of what this could look like can be seen in the list of posts for this blog at this link.


If an IBG blogger wants to make a change to an old post, they are encouraged to revise the old post or create a new version. It depends on the goal of the blogger, but both options are compatible with IBG.



License: CC BY-SA 4.0