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Tuesday, August 23, 2022
One of the primary goals for this blog is to find individuals who want to make belief analysis blog posts. I want to find individuals with diverse beliefs who want to express their beliefs using this method. I'm optimistic that someday belief analysis can be one of the primary methods for analyzing beliefs in politics and intellectual debates.
The current version of belief analysis can be found at this link.
Belief analysis requires reasons to be stated clearly and provides a consistent format to organize supporting material. By making the structure of a belief more transparent, I believe this method can help opposing sides in an argument understand each other more clearly. Instead of reading through paragraphs to interpret somebody's reasoning, belief analysis ensures that the main points are clear to the reader.
Belief analysis does not automatically determine which side more true in an argument. Belief analysis is based on the idea that reason is inherently subjective to a degree. When we make beliefs, we often take a few related facts and subjectively derive the conclusion from those facts. Usually our beliefs are not based on mathematical equations or logical deduction, but rather they are based on a subjective feeling for what feels right. Belief analysis allows us to see the reasons in an argument, but it does not tell how good the reasons are.
I would like to see belief analysis applied to conspiracy theories. I believe that both sides in an argument about a conspiracy theory would be motivated to use a method that promotes transparency. Believers in the conspiracy theory would be interested to exposing the truth and that is best accomplished through transparency. Conversely, people who deny the conspiracy theory would be interested to demonstrate to believers that the conspiracy theory is wrong which is also best accomplished through transparency.
I would also like to see politicians and public intellectuals use belief analysis. This would allow the public to see more clearly their exact reasons on a topic. I think it would be interesting to see which pieces of evidence they select. It would also be interesting to compare leading intellectuals' belief analyses and determine who has the most robust argument for a particular position.
There is a risk that belief analysis can make society more polarized, but I believe the opposite is more likely to occur. Writing a belief analysis causes a person to be introspective about their reasons and pieces of evidence. Being introspective should help a person develop a more balanced belief. I also believe that any method that can help opposing sides in an argument communicate more clearly has the potential to bridge the gap toward mutual understanding.
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