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Sunday, June 20, 2021

Basic timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic

This post is a basic timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic as of June 20th, 2021. There are 24 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia


  1. First discovered in Wuhan, China (Dec 2019)
  2. Wuhan Municipal Health Commission releases warning of outbreak (Dec 31,2019)
  3. Huanan Seafood Market closed for disinfection (Jan 1, 2020)
  4. Japan has first confirmed case (Jan 16, 2020)
  5. South Korea has first confirmed case (Jan 20, 2020)
  6. United States has first confirmed case (Jan 23, 2020)
  7. World Health Organization declares emergency (Jan 30, 2020 )
  8. United States places restrictions on flights to China (Jan 31, 2020)
  9. Italy has first confirmed case (Jan 31, 2020)
  10. United States has first death (February 6, 2020)
  11. Iran reports first deaths (Feb 19, 2020)
  12. World Health Organization declares pandemic (Mar 11, 2020)
  13. Italy overtakes China for most cases (Mar 19, 2020)
  14. United States overtakes Italy for most cases (Mar 26, 2020)
  15. Pfizer releases vaccine trail results show 90% effectiveness (Nov 9, 2020)
  16. FDA approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (Dec 10, 2020)
  17. FDA approves Moderna vaccine (Dec 17, 2020)
  18. United Kingdom variant discovered (Dec 14, 2020)
  19. South Africa variant discovered (Dec 18, 2020)
  20. Brazil variant discovered (Jan 12, 2021)
  21. Delta variant discovered in India (Feb 2021)
  22. FDA approves Johnson & Johnson vaccine (Feb 27, 2021)
  23. AstraZenca vaccine banned in several counties (Mar 12, 2021)
  24. Johnson & Johnson vaccine temporarily banned in United States (Apr 13 - Apr 23, 2021)