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Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Basic timeline of Fyodor Dostoevsky
This post is a basic timeline of writer Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881). There are 12 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- 1821: Born in Moscow, Russia
- 1838: Enrolls at Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute
- 1843: Becomes a lieutenant engineer
- 1846: Publishes Poor Folk
- 1849: Arrest and sent to exile for reading banned works
- 1854: Released from prison
- 1864: Publishes Notes from Underground
- 1866: Publishes Crime and Punishment
- 1868: Publishes The Idiot
- 1871: Publishes Demons
- 1879: Publishes The Brothers Karamazov
- 1881: Died at age 59 in Saint Petersburg, Russia